Several bugs were fixed in this version and Ramza was added......
I hope that all of you enjoy it! ↓
Please send me your comments, bugs, or anything that could be useful to improve the Fun Mode.
List of Changes:
- Added Ramza.
- Added Old Raijin.
- Fixed Batrider bug when used fly with shift.
- Fixed Siglos' bug when Hex while He uses Reflect.
- Fixed Berserker bug that caused not attacking allies.
- Fixed Persuasive bug with chargeable items.
- Fixed Most of Formless' bugs.
- Fixed Pet Summoner's Critters duration bug.
- Fixed Mana Fiend's HotKeys.
- Inky can't target outside the Map.
- Fixed Aghanims Scepter bugs.
- Old Invoker can use Aghanims Scepter.
- Fixed -repick bug when chosen a Fun hero.
- Added -random fun.
- Fixed Magic Hammer Recipe.
- Added -funt , which blocks Fun Items and some Fun Heroes for Multiplayers Battles.
The map is not compressed because it would have had the phoenix bug.
Known Issues: Swindled AI Heroes sometimes drop items.
Puff sometimes has errors.
¡Disculpen la espera! Aquí les presento mi nueva versión de DotA: DotA 6.71b AI Fun 2.6. Como siempre, gracias y felicitaciones a PBMN por su gran trabajo.
Varios errores han sido reparados en esta versión y Ramza fue añadido......
¡Espero que todos ustedes lo disfruten! ↓
Por favor envíenme sus comentarios, errores, o cualquier cosa que pueda ayudar a mejorar el Fun Mode.
Lista de Cambios:
- Agregado Ramza.
- Agregado Raijin Antiguo.
- Arreglado error de BatRider cuando usaba Fly.
- Arreglado error de Siglos cuando usaba Reflect y le tiraban Hex.
- Arreglado error de Berserker de que no atacaba aliados.
- Arreglado error del Maji de objetos de carga.
- Arreglados la mayoria de errores de Copiar con Formless.
- Arreglado error de duración con Critters.
- Arreglado error de teclas de Mana Fiend.
- Ahora Inki no puede apuntar fuera del mapa.
- Arreglados errores de Aghanims Scepter.
- Arreglado error del -repick con heroes de la Fun Tavern.
- Agregado comando -random fun
- Arreglada la receta del Magic Hammer.
- Agregado -funt , el cual bloquea los objetos Fun y algunos heroes para partidas multijugador.
Ahora el mapa no está comprimido debido al error del Fenix.
Errores conocidos: Swindle hace que los Heroes AI boten objetos algunas veces.
Puff puede tener errores a veces.
Download Link:
DotA v6.71b AI Fun 2.6.w3x
Please leave your comments!
¡Por favor dejen sus comentarios!
DotA v6.71b AI Fun 2.6.w3x
Please leave your comments!
¡Por favor dejen sus comentarios!
Thnx a lots!!
ResponderEliminarHow do I make customkeys for this map?
ResponderEliminarFirst, when I saw Ramza I came buckets. He is the best hero ever to touch DotA!! So IMBA!
ResponderEliminarAnd second, Escutcheon recipe is broken on this version again =( I gather the Vanguard, Hood of Defiance, Bloodstone and Soul Booster, and nothing happens...can you please fix it?
And! I wanna make customkeys for this map too! But I need the heros's and their abilitie's code for that...and you posted many of them, but not all...
Thanks for this EPIC map! It's so much fun!
Thanks for the Fun map, i really likes ramza of fun tavern, please keep the works! Although Ramza is Imba but there is a super strong hero that even defeat fountain of life or death. It's the great giant turtle
ResponderEliminarKeep this work superwaitsum (Anonimous). Think u are greate modding. I Like your fun items. So Funny okay. I Like Ramza (Real Ramza is from FF Tactic Lion WAR Map by Boykhinucu).
ResponderEliminarI hope that very soon,a new version will roll out,keep up the good work!:-D
ResponderEliminarThe excutcheon doesn't work
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarfound 2 bugs.
1) geomancer silences all but player 2 (red)
2) ramza only gains jp normal attacks and hero kills. item skills and secondary attacks as well as primary skills used on creeps wont increase jp.
i'd like to request. please continue the Angelic Alliance item from BMP's dota revision awesome, pls pls pls. sprint shoes looks just a bit improved BoT. thank you very much in advance. gr8 job sir!!!