sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Several time problems, map delayed and extra new

Hello to all DoTA Fun fans, I have had several time problems and have been very busy last month, i have also seen that 6.78 map has been released, I'm trying to finish the map this month, maybe with less features than planned, but updated to latest AI map (even if 6.78 AI is released in this month), sorry for the inconveniences.
Most problems come from testing all heroes, and I have received several mails and PM of people that want to help me in development of Fun Map, thats why I'm now offering people that visit this blog to be beta testers, I will only need weekly reports of the beta map.
 If someone want to be a beta tester, please contact me though email.
Thanks for still believing in this map :)
Update: New version is comming soon, updating to a new version of AI Team, i will have to wait until the release of the new AI version to release the new fun map, it won't be 2.8, it will be 2.7d, but with several changes.

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Starting work for DoTA 6.77 AI 1.4 Fun

Hey Guys, I´m back, as some of you may have seen, the official 6.77 has been released. I´m starting to work on it, will take a long time, due to several improvements to Fun stuff. Thanks for reporting bugs and the feedback, I will try to do my best. The contest will be postponed. I will add a countdown timer (this time will be international) soon.

UPDATE:  It seems that AI map is not stable and port will be done when the next stable map is done, don´t worry, AI Team is very fast fixing bugs.

UPDATE2:  Started Porting Fun stuff to latest AI map. 

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

DoTA 6.77b AI 1.1.7 Fun 2.7c

Hi, Dota Gamers!!!, here i share my latest version of Dota AI Fun.
This version has been designed to be rock stable, no more fatal errors (at least most xD)

  • Removed Christmas theme
  • Added Terrain Snow (-ts)
  • Ported some of the changes of 6.77b (not all)
  • Fixed game crashes
  • Now -airepick work properly
  • Fixed some tooltips
  • Added +jp, which will give 250 jp while in -test (remember, is +, not -)
  • Now -random fun will work with latest heros
  • Fixed some formless bugs
  • Now you will see the fun items clearly
  • WARNING: Use -dm command before -fun to prevent some bugs.
                       Sometimes in 5vs5 Persuasive can give you                                a crash, be careful.

Things that are not bugs:
-Fireblood blade is orb effect

Unfixable bug:
Raamza job Geomancer's sandstorm while you are Sentinel, affects only you. (This ability will be fixed or reworked in the next version)

Next version will be focused on balance changes and new features

COMING SOON, a new contest...

Remember to play this version if you LOVE DoTA!!!


Hola Doteros!, aqui les traigo la última version del DoTA AI Fun
 Esta version ha sido diseñada para ser muy estable, no mas errores fatales (al menos la mayoría xD)

  • Removido el tema navideño
  • Agregado Terrain Snow (-ts)
  • Agregados algunos de loss cambios de la version 6.77b (no todos)
  • Arreglados los crashes
  • Ahora -airepick trabaja correctamente
  • Arregladas algunas descripciones
  • Agregado +jp, que dará 250 jp mientras se está con -test (recuerden, es +, no -)
  • Ahora -random fun funcionará con los últimos héroes
  • Arrreglados algunos errores de Formless
  • Ahora prodrá ver los objetos fun claramente
  • Advertencia: Use -dm antes de -fun para prevenir errores.
                       Algunas veces en 5vs5, Persuasive puede                                   causar un crash, por favor tenga cuidado

Error sin reparar:
La tormenta del Geomancer (trabajo de Raamza) solo funciona mientras eres Scourge. (Esta abilidad será reparada o cambiada la próxima version)

PROXIMAMENTE, un nuevo concurso...

La siguiente versión estará enfocada en cambios de balance y nuevas cosas

Recuerden jugar esta versión si AMAN el DoTA!!!

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